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One Foundation


Our One Foundation group has many exciting activities and opportunities for young people to make friends, grow in their faith and learn to live a Christian life.

For 9 to 13 years of age and includes:

  • Sunday sessions- A weekly bible study group that meets during the Sunday morning service. Bible reading, talks, discussions, quizes, videos, games and refreshments. 10:30 till 12 noon.
  • Achievement awards - Bible reading, books of the bible, memory verses and more.
  • Socials - one off, activities throughout the year.
  • Summer Camp - Each year there is an oportunity to go to summer camp for a week under canvas with hundreds of other young people from around the country. Activities, games, fun, sports, teaching sessions and lots of food, of course! 

If you are new to the church and wish to find out more about the One Foundation activities we run for your child or children then please visit our Contact Us page.