Small Groups

Small Groups are exactly that, a smallish (6–12) group of people from church, or those who want to know more about Christianity, who meet in church or in members' homes every other week to pray, discuss the bible and develop great friendships. The groups often put on social events as well.
We have a number of groups located in and around the area.
They include:
Home based Fellowship Groups throughout the local area during the day or evening. These groups meet to study the bible and pray together.
Ladies Leisure - a craft based afternoon at church at 1 pm on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month.
Women Now - an evening women's group who meet at the church on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month at 7:30 pm.
Time Out - a monthly Wednesday morning women's group who meet at a local church member's home.
Men's Fellowship - a monthly Friday lunchtime meeting.
Men of Courage - men who meet monthly for bible study and discussion, usually Saturday. Breakfast is served at 8am.
Coffee Mornings - are based in the church and open to all who want to join us for refreshments and fellowship.
In Person Prayer Meetings - On the first and third Wednesdays each month at 7:30pm.
Phone Prayer Groups are available for those who, for a wide range of reasons, are unable to leave home and attend the other face to face prayer groups.
We can put you in touch with the group leader who will be more than happy to give you more detail.
For information please email using this link.