Welcome to our 'One to One Bible Reading' course.
Over two sessions, we start to look at why it is important to read the bible with one other person, what this looks like and over two sessions understand how we can start, stay focused and share an amazing time with them as we practise reading One to One.
We will meet using the online platform Zoom, which means you can join in from the comfort of your own home or wherever you choose. If this is new to you, we will help you get set up for it. You will need a PC, Laptop, tablet or smart phone.
A real chance to ask questions, if you want to, no matter how simple or difficult you think they are. No need to worry if you miss a week, resources will be shared with you. A handbook will be sent to you, to help keep you on track.
You will have access to someone to whom you can ask questions throughout the course.
What will we talk about?
Each session will focus on a main topic, with a recorded talk and opportunity to delve deeper into the topic. These are the session titles …
Session 1: What, Why, How
Session 2: How can I begin to read with someone else?
Session 3: Practise, Practise, Practise.
What will I get to help me engage with the course?
A copy of the 'One to One Bible reading' book by David Helm, to guide you through the topics
A Small group, each group varies in size but will be kept small to allow you to get to know other.
A Zoom invite will be shared with you ahead of the start.
A WhatsApp group chat to share thoughts and share questions.
How do I book onto the next course?
To book in, please contact us at church@romford-evan.co.uk and let us know you want to take part or have some questions you want answered before you take part.
We will need your email address, mobile number and house address so that we can send you the course handbook.
When will the next course start?
As soon as a number of folk sign up, we are ready to go.