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Daily Devotions 

Our Daily Devotional series contains Bible readings, thoughts, prayer and a themed song to help us focus our lives on what the Bible has to say to us each day. Make a plan to listen or watch each morning as you wake up and get into the routine of placing God's word at the start of each day. Choose and click on a Red title below to play.
If God challenges you on something that is said, and you know that you need to put things right with him, then don't leave it, call us on 07526 084204 and we would love to talk it through with you then pray for, or with you.

Devotions Going Forwards
Matthew Stratton
Psalm 85:8-13 ‘Build Back Better’
Matthew Stratton
Romans 2:17-29 ‘Religious Hypocrites’
Matthew Stratton
Romans 1:18-25. ‘A Nation with Fists Raised Heavenwards’
Matthew Stratton
II Kings 23:1-4 'Ancient Words; Changing You, Changing Me'
Matthew Stratton
II Kings 19:9-19 ‘For the Glory of His Name’
Matthew Stratton
Acts 27:1-13 Who Will You Listen To?
Matthew Stratton
John 11: 1-44 'The Truth, The Whole Truth ...
Martin Le-May
Psalm 81:1-7 ‘Sing! Shout! Begin the Music!’
Matthew Stratton
2 Kings 11:1-16 ‘Pawn Takes Queen
Matthew Stratton
Acts 22:1-22 ‘A Stumbling Block to Jews’
Matthew Stratton
2 Kings 4:8-37 ‘God’s Love to His Faithful’
Matthew Stratton
Acts 20: 20-31 ‘Paul’s Call to Us All.’
Matthew Stratton
1 Kings 22:4-22 ‘Listening to God with Closed Ears.’
Matthew Stratton
Psalm 78:32-38 ‘Prone to Wander, Lord I Feel It’
Matthew Stratton
Acts 16:16-24 ‘A Most Unwanted Helper’
Matthew Stratton
Acts 16:6-15 ‘Praise God When He Says, No.’
Matthew Stratton
Acts 15:36-41 ‘Sharp Words Make Poor Goodbyes’
Matthew Stratton
1 Kings 11:1-13 ‘How the Mighty Fall.’
Matthew Stratton
1 Kings 9:1-9 ‘A Lesson from the Western Wall.’
Matthew Stratton
Acts 13: 1-12 . Barnabas and Saul
John Holman
Acts 12: 1-17. Peter’s Great Escape
John Holman
Acts 11: 1-18. Cornelius
John Holman
Acts 9: 32-43. Aeneas and Dorcas
John Holman
Acts 9: 1-20. Amazing Grace
John Holman
Acts 6: 8 – 7:1 & Acts 7:51 – 8: 1 'To Live is Christ and to Die is Gain'
David Wilkinson
Acts 6: 1-7 'Serve One Another in Love'
David Wilkinson
Acts 5: 17-42 'Worthy of Suffering Disgrace for the Name'
David Wilkinson
Psalm 71: 9-19 'Growing Old God's Way - Part 2'
Richard Caplin
Psalm 71: 1-9 'Growing Old God's Way - Part 1'
Richard Chaplin
Psalm 69: 29-36 'I'll Rejoice in You'
Matthew Stratton
Psalm 69: 13-28 'I'll Rest in You'
Matthew Stratton
John 20: 24-31 'Thomas the Believer, No Doubt!' Today and yesterday's were swapped as an upload issue had caused duplication. If you have seen this one, please look at yesterdays which you may not have seen.
Matthew Stratton
Psalm 69: 1-13 'I'll Run to You'
Matthew Stratton
1 Samuel 31: 1-10 'Take the U-Turn!'
Matthew Stratton
Proverbs 13
'The Trouble with Strife'
1 Samuel 20
'Be There For Each Other Always'
1 Samuel 17: 40-54 'The Battle Belongs to the LORD'
Laurie Edwards
1 Samuel 17: 8-37 'Meeting the Challenge'
Laurie Edwards
1 Samuel 15 'A King Who Lost His Way – The Lord Rejects Saul’
Laurie Edwards
1 Samuel 8 'The People of Israel Demand a King'
Laurie Edwards
John 12: 1-9. 'Holy and Anointed One'
John Smailes
1 Samuel 3:1-18 ‘Speak, LORD, I’m Listening.’
Matthew Stratton
1 Samuel 2: 1-11 'The Praise of a Godly Mum'
Matthew Stratton
'Jesus: My Good Shepherd' from John 10:1-21 Celestino shares in Portuguese and is translated by his son Lucas.
Celestino and Lucas Pimentel
John 8: 19-30 'Words of Power'
Matthew Stratton
John 8:2-11 ‘Life in a Greenhouse.’
Matthew Stratton
John 7:37-41 ‘Rivers of the Spirit, not Dams’
Matthew Stratton
'We believe and know' from John 6:60 - 7:13
Steve Dunn
'A Bitter Victory? A Better View' from Judges 11:29-49
Matthew Stratton
‘A Timid, Mighty Warrior.’ from Judges 6
Matthew Stratton
‘Get Up! Walk.’ from John 5: 1-16
Matthew Stratton
‘What a Faithful God!’ from Judges 2:8-23
Matthew Stratton
‘An Unlikely Evangelist’ from John 4:7-26
Matthew Stratton
'See the Miracle Maker' from John 2
Martin Le-May
'A Borrowed Righteousness' from Proverbs 11:1-8
Matthew Stratton
'God is God' from John 1: 1-18
Matthew Stratton
‘85, Not Out!’ from Joshua 14:6-14
Matthew Stratton
‘God’s Spirit and My Heart’ from Psalm 51:10-19
Matthew Stratton
'With Jesus in Paradise' from Luke 23-32-43
Matthew Stratton
'Faith Under Fire' from Luke 22:24-34
Matthew Stratton
‘Saved by a Trickle of Scarlet.’ from Joshua 2
Matthew Stratton
‘No One Knows His Grave.’ from Deuteronomy 34
Matthew Stratton
'Moses' Swansong' from Deuteronomy 32
Matthew Stratton
'A Matter of Life or Death' from Deuteronomy 30:11-20
Matthew Stratton
An Attitude of Gratitude from Luke 17:11-19
Matthew Stratton
'A Grave Message’ from Luke 16:19-31
Matthew Stratton
‘Lessons from a Bad Guy’ from Luke 16:1-13
Matthew Stratton
‘Lost and Found’ from Luke 15:1-32
Matthew Stratton
'The Costly Call to Christ' from Luke 14:25-33
Matthew Stratton
‘Know Your Weapon Blindfolded’ from Deuteronomy 11:18-23
Matthew Stratton
‘What the LORD Asks of Me’ from Deuteronomy 10:12-22.
Matthew Stratton
‘Self-made Men, Beware!’ from Deuteronomy 8:10-20.
Matthew Stratton
'Ask, Seek, Knock' from Luke 11:9-13
Matthew Stratton
‘The Hated Become Loved’ from Luke 10:25-37
Matthew Stratton
'The Wedding March?' from Psalm 40: 1-8.
Laurie Edwards
'Feeling helpless' from Psalm 39:1-13
Laurie Edwards
'A Sea of Troubles' from Psalm 38: 12-22
Laurie Edwards
'Wisdom Calling, Wisdom Calling' from Proverbs 8:12-21
Laurie Edwards
'Look at the Snake; Worship the Son' from Numbers 21:4-9
Matthew Stratton
‘The Promised Land; Entry Denied.’ from Numbers 20:2-13
Matthew Stratton
‘A Hospital for the Broken.’ from Luke 5:27-32
Matthew Stratton
' . . . In The LORD.' from Psalm 37:1-9
Matthew Stratton
'Ten Were Bad, Two Were Good' from Numbers 13:25-14:4
Matthew Stratton
'O Lord, How Long?' from Psalm 35:11-18
Matthew Stratton
'Hearts Will Be Revealed' from Luke 2: 25-35
Matthew Stratton
‘Bless You!’ from Numbers 6:22-27
Matthew Stratton
‘Breaking the Silence’ from Luke 1: 63-80
Matthew Stratton
'Who Is On The LORD's Side?' from Numbers 3:5-13
Matthew Stratton
'A Better Covenant' from Leviticus 26:3-13
Matthew Stratton
'To Err is Human, Forgiveness Divine' from Psalm 32
Matthew Stratton
'Left-Overs for the Lord?' from Leviticus 22:17-25
Matthew Stratton
"Loving God is Becoming Like Him" from Leviticus 19:1-13
Matthew Stratton
‘Falling Asleep On Duty’ from Mark 14:32-42
Matthew Stratton
Eating Houses or Trusting God? from Mark 12:28-44
Matthew Stratton
‘Settled by the Toss of a Coin’ from Mark 12:13-17
Matthew Stratton
"No Unauthorised Access" from Leviticus 10:1-11
Matthew Stratton
"He Has Heard Your Cries" from Psalm 28
Matthew Stratton
'The Lofty Goal of Servanthood' from Mark 10:35-45
Matthew Stratton
'The Fruits of Forgiveness' from Psalm 26
Matthew Stratton
‘From Hero to Zero in Three Verses’ from Mark 8: 27-33
Matthew Stratton
‘Feed Me ‘til I Want No More’ from Mark 8: 1-10.
Matthew Stratton
"Hidden in the Rock" from Exodus 33: 12-33
Matthew Stratton
'Prone To Wander' from Exodus 32: 1-24
Matthew Stratton
'By Hook or By Crook' from Psalm 23:1-6
Matthew Stratton
'The Commands of the Law Are Radiant' from Exodus 23: 1-19
Matthew Stratton
‘God’s Love Trumps Man’s Rules’ from Mark 2:23 - 3: 6
Matthew Stratton
'Take Your Mat, and Go!' from Mark 2: 1-12
Matthew Stratton
'God is Real ... No Matter How I Feel' from Psalm 22: 1-2
Richard Caplin
'Satan Tried .... But God Victorious' from Matthew 27: 11-26
John Hollman
‘The Desire of My Heart?’ from Psalm 20.
Phil Davison
'Meeting God in the Law' from Psalm 19: 7-14
Laurie Edwards
‘When God Gives Us a Task ... He Gives Us the Ability’ from Exodus 4: 1-12
John Hollman
‘Meeting God in Nature’ from Psalm 19: 1-6
Laurie Edwards
‘Who is a Teacher Like Him?’ from Job 36: 5-26
Matthew Stratton
‘Come Let Us Adore Him!’ from Psalm 18: 25-36.
Matthew Stratton
‘My Support, My Rescuer’ from Psalm 18:16-24
Matthew Stratton
'An Exclusive Dress Code’ from Matthew 22: 1-14.
Matthew Stratton
‘Steadfast and Sure’ from Proverbs 3: 21-35
Matthew Stratton
‘Labour Law, or Amazing Grace?’ from Matthew 20: 1-16
Matthew Stratton
‘With Friends Like These . . .’ from Job 8: 1-22
Matthew Stratton
Today's theme is ‘Then Come, Follow Me.’ from Matthew 19: 16-26
Matthew Stratton
‘Trusting God When Life Hurts’ from Job 1: 1-22
Matthew Stratton
‘Joseph’s Last Words’ from Genesis 50: 15-21
Matthew Stratton
‘Fire Extinguishing.’ from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-28
Matthew Stratton
‘Love, Peace, and Patience.’ from 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15
Matthew Stratton
‘Staying Alert in the Darkest Night’ from 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Matthew Stratton
‘When the Roll is Called Up Yonder’ from 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18
Matthew Stratton
"‘R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Find Out What It Means to . . . Outsiders" from 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12
Matthew Stratton
‘Turning Blessings Into Praise’ form Psalm 67
Matthew Stratton
"Love Without Reserve!" form Psalm 66
Matthew Stratton
"Chosen To Live In His Courts!" from Psalm 65
Matthew Stratton
"Refuge, Joy, and Glory" from Psalm 64
Matthew Stratton
‘Cling to God’ from Psalm 63
Matthew Stratton
‘Living To Please God.’ from 1 Thessalonians 4: 1-8
Matthew Stratton
‘Radiating God’s Love.’ from 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13
Matthew Stratton
‘Separated in Person, But Not in Thought.’ from 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20
Matthew Stratton
‘God’s Words to Us’ From 1 Thessalonians 2: 13-14
Matthew Stratton
"We are Family" from 1 Thessalonians 5: 11-16
Matthew Stratton
'He Will Make Straight Our 2021' from Proverbs 3: 5-6
Matthew Stratton
"In These Last Days (Part 2)" from Joel 2-3
Laurie Edwards
"In These Last Days (Part 1)" from Joel 1
Laurie Edwards
"She Was There: A Leading Woman: Deborah" from Judges 4-5
Laurie Edwards
"She Was There: An Immoral Woman - The woman taken in adultery" from John 8
Laurie Edwards
"She Was There: An Utterly Perplexed Woman - The Shunammite" from 2 Kings 4:8f
Laurie Edwards
Day 2 in our series on Women in the Bible. "She Was There: A Woman Willing to Give Back To God - Hannah" from 1 Samuel 1-3
Laurie Edwards
"She Was There: A Young Girl - Miriam" A new series from Laurie with stories about women in the bible and what they might have seen in person. Today from Exodus 1:8 - 2:10
Laurie Edwards
"A Labour of Love" from 1 Thessalonians 2: 6-19
Matthew Stratton
"If at first you don't succeed ..." From 1 Thessalonians 2:1-5
Matthew Stratton
"That Blessed U-Turn" from 1 Thessalonians 1:7-9
Matthew Stratton
"Joy in Adversity" from 1 Thessalonians 1:4-7
Matthew Stratton
'Out of sight but not out of mind', Today we start looking at 1 Thessalonians 1;1-3
Matthew Stratton
"Only Rest In God" from Psalm 62
Matthew Stratton
"Cries of Despair Turn to Cries of Praise!" from Psalm 61
Matthew Stratton
"Help While We Stagger". Mathews shares his thoughts from Psalm 60.
Matthew Stratton
"My Strength, My Fortress" Mathew speaks from Psalm 59
Matthew Stratton
"To Pray, or Not To Pray ..." from Psalm 58
Matthew Stratton
'Deliver Us From Evil'. Today we look at Luke 4:1-13
John Hollman
'A Long Awaited Debut'. Today we look at Luke 3:31-38
John Hollman
'Preparing the Way'. Today we look at Luke 3:1-20
John Hollman
Watch this 3min video clip which is also on our Facebook page.
'My Fathers Business'. John looks at Luke 2:41-52
John Hollman
'What's On Your Bucket List?' From Luke 2:21-40
John Hollman
5th or five thoughts on the theme of Coping with Worry, we conclude in Matthew 6:25-34 under the title of 'Living one day at a time'
Richard Caplin
4th in this week's series of daily thoughts from Matthew 6:30-32 entitled 'Your Father Knows'
Richard Caplin
Third in the series on coping with worry, we look at 'Our Life is a Gift of God' from Matthew 6:24-26
Richard Caplin
2nd in our series on 'Coping with Worry' from Matthew 6:28. 'We have a Designer God'
Richard Caplin
This week's theme is "Coping With Worry" and today we read from Matthew 6:25 with a title of 'God has a plan for every one of us.'
Richard Caplin
"It's Not Worth It" from Proverbs 20
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 19:23 and the title is 'Resting Safely in His Arms'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 18 and the title is 'Listening Well
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 17 and the title is 'Don't Mock Them. Love Them'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 16 and the title is 'Prudence and Discernment'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Matthew 6:25-34 and the title is 'Don't Worry About A Thing, Because . . .'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 6:20-21 with a title of 'Guard Duty'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from I Timothy 6:17-19 and the title is 'You Can't Take it With You, But…'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from I Timothy 6:13-16 and the title is 'While We Wait'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from I Timothy 6:11-12 and the title is 'He Who Fights and Runs Away . . .'
Matthew Stratton
Today we hear a story based on what a disciple might have experienced in the garden of Gethsemane. 'I was there, In a Garden'
Laurie Edwards
Based on Luke 5 our devotional considers the story of the Good Samaritan from an unusual viewpoint. 'I was there; On a Road'
Laurie Edwards
Today we hear an account based on based on Matthew 14; Mark 6; & John 6. 'I was there; On a lake'
Laurie Edwards
Today's devotional is based on Genesis 39-41; Psalm 105 and the title is 'I was there, in prison'
Laurie Edwards
Today's devotional is based on Genesis 22:1-19under the title of 'I was there; on the mountain'
Laurie Edwards
Today's devotional is from I Timothy 6:5b-10 and the title is 'Money, Money, Money'
Matthew Stratton
From 1 Timothy 6:3-5 we think about 'Sound Instruction or Evil Suspicions?'
Matthew Stratton
Today we look at 1 Timothy 6:1-2 under the title of 'Dutiful Workers and Dear Bosses'
Matthew Stratton
Our Daily devotion today is from 1 Timothy 5:23-25 with a title of 'Trailing Sins, and Obvious Good'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from I Tim 5:17-22 and the title is 'Elders: Good, Bad, and Ugly'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 57 and the title is 'My Heart is Steadfast'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 56 and the title is 'In God I Trust'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 55 and the title is 'Trust in Him'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 54 and the title is 'Praising His Good Name'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 53 and the title is 'Fool-ology'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 5: 7-16 and the title is 'Pure Religion (Part 2)'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from I Timothy 5: 3-6 and the title is 'Pure Religion (Part 1)'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 5: 1-2 and the title is 'We are family'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 4: 13-16 and the title is 'Devote Yourselves to ...''
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 4: 10-12 and the title is 'Agonising Examples''
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Luke Luke 2: 1-20 and the title is 'The birth of Jesus''
John Hollman
Today's devotional is from Luke 1:57-80 and the title is 'The Nine Month Lesson''
John Hollman
Today's devotional is from Luke 1:39-56 and the title is 'Faith Bursts Out in Song''
John Hollman
Today's devotional is from Luke 1:26-38 and the title is 'I am the Lord's Servant''
John Hollman
Today's devotional is from Luke 1:5-20 and the title is 'Your prayer has been answered''
John Hollman
Today's devotional is from 1 Corinthians 5: 11-21 and the title is 'What is Your Name? Ambassador''
David Wilkinson
Today's devotional is from Philippians 2: 1-11 and the title is 'What is Your Name? Servant''
David Wilkinson
Today's devotional is from Acts 1:1-11 and the title is 'What's My Name? Witness''
David Wilkinson
Today's devotional is from Ephesians 1: 1-14 and the title is 'What's My Name? Saint''
David Wilkinson
Today's devotional is from Acts 11: 19-26 and the title is 'What's My Name? Christian''
David Wilkinson
Today's devotional is from John 1:10-13 and the title is 'Newton's Third Law of Motion''
Laurie Edwards
Today's devotional is from John 1:1-5 and the title is 'God's DIY and Man's DIY''
Laurie Edwards
Today's devotional is from John 1:1-5 and the title is 'A Life of Luxury''
Laurie Edwards
Today's devotional is from John 1:1 and the title is 'The Word''
Laurie Edwards
Today's devotional is from John 1 1:-5 and the title is 'In the Beginning.''
Laurie Edwards
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 4:6-9 and the title is 'Silly Myths and Serious Training'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 4:1-5 and the title is 'Taught by Demons; Peddled by Liars'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 3:16 and the title is 'Beyond All Question'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 3:14-16 and the title is 'Fighting Truth Decay'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 3:8-12 and the title is 'Women, Wives, Deacons, Deaconesses.''
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 3:8-10 and the title is 'A Heart for Service''
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 3:6-7 and the title is 'Half Baked Elders''
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 3:4-5 and the title is 'Children Who Obey Fathers, Children Who Obey God''
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 3:2-3. Title 'Not given to drunkenness''
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 3:1-5. Title 'One woman man'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional title is 'Good Grief… But Then Joy Everlasting'
Phil Davison
Today's devotional is from Luke 13:1-5. Title 'Don't Gloat . . . or Else. . .'
Phil Davidson
Today's devotional is from Psalm 72;1-6;11-16. Title 'How long O Lord?'
Phil Davison
Today's devotional is from Psalm 91
Phil Davison
Today's devotional is from Acts12:4-11 Title 'How God looks after His followers'
Phil Davison
Today's devotional is from I Timothy 2:11-15 Title 'Paradise Lost'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from I Timothy 2:9-15 Title 'Dress to Worship, Not to Kill'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from I Timothy 2:8 Title 'Real Men'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from I Timothy 2:5-7 Title 'Cutting Out the Middle Man'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from I Timothy 2:1-4. Title 'Our First, and Best, Action'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from John 17:20-26. Title '5 Ways to pray Part 5'
Richard Caplin
Today's devotional is from Psalm 139. Title '5 Ways to pray Part 4'
Richard Caplin
Today's devotional is from James 5:7-11. Title '5 Ways to pray Part 3''
Richard Caplin
Today's devotional is from Isaiah 55. Title '5 Ways to pray Part 2''
Richard Caplin
Today's devotional title is '5 Ways to pray Part 1'
Richard Caplin
Today's devotional is from I Timothy 1:18-20. Title 'Good Soldiers and Good Sailors'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from I Timothy 1:12-17. Title 'The Worst Sinner Points to The Best Saviour'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 1:6-11. Title 'Proper Use of the Law'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from 1 Timothy 1:1-6. Title 'Devoted to Love, or Controversy?'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 4:13-20. Title 'A Fragrant Offering'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 7. Title 'A Highway to the Grave'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 6. Title 'Hated by the God of Love'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 5. Title 'A Glimpse of Heaven'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 4. Title 'Guarding Our Hearts'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 3. Title 'Straighter Paths'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 4:10-13. Title 'Radical Contentment'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 4:8-9. Title 'The Battlefield of the Mind'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 4:6-7. Title 'Don't Worry . . . About a Thing'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 4:4-5. Title 'Rejoice!'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 4:2-3. Title 'Not Seeing Eye to Eye'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 52. Title 'Trusting Leads To Flourishing?'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 51. Title 'To Delight, or Despise?'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 50. Title 'Awesome, or Awful?'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 49. Title 'Why Should I Fear?'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 48. Title 'Home Sweet Home
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 3:20-4:1. Title 'Longing for home'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 3: 15-17. Title 'Stomach Worshippers'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 3: 15-17. Title 'A Model of the Master'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 3: 12-14. Title 'Blessed Amnesia'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 3: 8-11. Title 'Knowing Jesus'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 10. Title 'Beware the clowns'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 9. Title 'Mockers in Our Midst'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 8. Title 'An Allergy to Evil'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 7. Title 'Till Death Do Us Part'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 6. Title 'Shaking off the lockdown'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 3:4-7. Title 'A Failed CV'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 3:1-3. Title 'Beware of the Dogs!'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 2:25-30. Title 'Long Distance Love'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 2:19-24. Title 'A Church Full of Timothies'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 2:16-18. Title 'Boasting on the day of Christ'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 47. Title 'Sing praises to our King'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 46. Title 'Be still and know that He is God'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 45. Title 'A time to celebrate'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 44. Title 'Awake, Lord! why do you sleep?'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 43. Title 'Medicine for the Downcast Soul'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 2:14-16. Title 'Twinkle Twinkle'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 2:12-13. Title 'Do you tremble?'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 2:9-11. Title 'The Way Up, Is Down'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 2:5-8. Title 'The Great Condescension'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 2:1-4. Title 'You Before Me, Especially after C'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 12. Title '7000 Opportunities to Delight the Lord'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 11. Title 'Leaning on the Wrong Wall'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 10. Title 'What's Love Got To Do With It?'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 9. Title 'The Not-So-Ugly, Ugly Sister'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 8. Title 'A Beautiful Woman'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 1:27-30. Title 'Grace Under Fire'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 1:20-26. Title 'A Far, Far, Better Rest.'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 1:18-20. Title 'Our Expectant Hope.'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 1:12-18. Title 'And Because of This I Rejoice'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Philippians 1-11. Title 'When Love Abounds'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 42. Title 'When We Don't Have All the Answers'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 41. Title 'A Clap for Our Carer'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 40 (Part 2). Title ''Permanent Deliverance'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 40. Title 'Dodging Bullets, and Viruses'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 39. Title 'She's Gonna Blow!'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 5:19-20. Title 'Search and Rescue'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 5:13-18. Title 'Powerful and Effective Prayer'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 5:12. Title 'To Be Honest With You'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 5:7-11. Title 'The Patience of a Saint'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 5:1-6. Title 'If I Was a Rich Man'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 15. Title 'Our Thoughts, Our Way, and Our Sacrifice'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 14. Title 'Snatched from the snare'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 13. Title 'Choose your friends wisely'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 12. Title 'The Path to Immortality'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 11. Title 'Jewel's in a Pig's Snout'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 4:13-17. Title 'Practical Atheism .'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 4:8-10. Title 'Wash. Purify. Grieve.'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 4:7-8. Title 'Submit. Resist. Come Nearer'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 4:4-6 . Title 'Who's Your Friend'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 4: 1-3. Title 'Quarrels and Fighting'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 38. Title: 'When It's My Fault'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 37:37-40. Title: 'It's Not Fair' Part Three
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 37:9-46. Title: 'It's Not Fair' Part two
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 37:1-8. Title: 'It's Not Fair'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 36. Title: 'The Love of God'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 3:13-18. Title: 'Wise Men, or Wise Guys'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 3:1-12. Title: 'The Enemy Within'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 2:14-26. Title: 'Works of Faith'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 2:8-13. Title: 'The Law that Gives Freedom'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 2:1-7. Title: 'A Little Piece of Heaven'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 17. Title - 'Dam Busters'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 16. Title - 'God is in Control'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 15. Title - 'Watching Our Words'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 14. Title - 'Home Construction'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Proverbs 13. Title - 'Keep Me Teachable'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 1:26-27. Title - 'Pure Religion'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 1:21-25. Title - 'Mirror Image'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 1:19-21. Title - 'Temper Tantrums'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from James 1:16-18. Title - 'Good and Perfect Gifts'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 35. Title - 'Emergency Response'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 34. Title - 'Taste and See That the Lord Is Good'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 33. Title - 'Come Let Us Adore Him'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 32. Title - 'Beating the Blues'
Matthew Stratton
Today's devotional is from Psalm 31. Title - 'Down But Not Out'
Matthew Stratton
Friday's devotional is from James 1:13-15 Title - 'The Source of Our Temptation'
Matthew Stratton
Bible reference is James 1:12.
Matthew Stratton
Wednesday's devotional is from James 1:9-11. Title - 'Two types of Trial'
Matthew Stratton
Tuesday's devotional is from James 1:5-8. Title - 'Wisdom in Our Trials'
Matthew Stratton
Monday's Devotional message from James 1:1-4 Title - 'Because you know'
Matthew Stratton
Rob BRISTOW, 27/03/2020