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Sunday Services

The church meets every Sunday at 10:30am for our Family Service. It helps to get there 15 minutes early to get a parking spot close to church and a seat in time for the service to start. Also available live on line at 10:30 from home.

180 Brentwood Road
Romford RM1 2RT

By Car
There is parking available at our local primary school, Hylands, which is behind the church in Grainger Way. 

By Bus
The 165, 193 and 294 buses all stop over the road to the church or 50 yards down the road on the same side.
You can expect a warm welcome, sincere worship, clear biblical teaching and a friendly bunch of people gathering to learn more about God. 
The church is equipped with an induction loop for those who require additional support with hearing.

We have a fantastic programme for the kids at the Church for:

Creche (up to 3 years)
Sunday Club (4–10 years)
One Foundation (11–16 years)

Children and young people stay with their parents at the start of the service as we worship (sing songs!) together for the first part of the morning. Someone will announce when the children need to go to their programme. For creche and Sunday Club you will need to go with your children and register them, for One Foundation you need to book them in for the first time only.

For more information about what happens in the children's work please visit the Children's Ministry page.

After the main meeting finishes there is tea, coffee and biscuits served in the church hall with a time to talk to one another.

If you need prayer please ask and someone will be happy to pray with or for you.

Come and join us!

If you have any questions about our Sunday Services or need to get in touch with us about any other enquiry we will be happy to help. Please Contact Us for more information.